13.5 C
E enjte, 13 Mars 2025

How much will Albania gain from the removal of roaming with the EU?

Duhen Lexuar

The signing of the agreement for the removal of the roaming fees between the countries of the Western Balkans with those of the European Union was one of the most important economic developments of the European Union Summit in Tirana. According to AKEP sources, contacted by Scan TV, this agreement would save millions of euros for Albanian citizens, especially in countries where there is a large presence, such as Greece, Italy, Germany, or Great Britain. The economic impact, according to AKEP sources, will be similar to the removal of roaming fees in the countries of the region during the past year, which has significantly reduced the costs of communications. According to a rough estimate, Albanian citizens could save up to 10 million euros per year if the agreement were signed with all the countries of the Union.

A quick look at the roaming service fees from Albanian operators shows that they are quite expensive. For example, for European destinations, unlimited daily plans typically cost around 4,000 ALL. Travel packages are less expensive, costing around 200 lek per day, but with limited internet, calls, and SMS.

The removal of retail roaming charges for the region became possible after reaching an agreement on the reduction of prices for roaming services on public mobile communication networks in the Western Balkans region, signed last year in Belgrade by the ministries responsible for electronic communications in the six countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia).

The Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) announced last year that the next challenge will be the removal of roaming charges in European Union countries, supporting the government’s initiatives in this direction through cooperation with the European Commission, the Regional Cooperation Council, and other countries of the Western Balkan region. Seeing the very large presence of Albanians in some of the European countries, the benefits would be much greater than the agreement on the removal of tariffs in the region.

Lorenc Rabeta/

Burimi: ScanTv.
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