17.5 C
E enjte, 13 Mars 2025

Albanians forget quickly, they get insurance only after being flooded

Duhen Lexuar

It seems that Albanians become aware of property insurance against disasters only when they occur or are exposed to very large damages. The Financial Supervision Authority reports that for the January-September period of this year, only about 16 million dollars were paid in the insurance companies’ fire and natural disaster insurance portfolios.

This portfolio had marked upward trends until 2018, when the country was also hit by floods for several seasons in a row, causing it to decrease significantly during the last three years.

At the end of 2018, insurance in this portfolio reached 1.67 billion lek, or over 16 million dollars. The sharp decline came in 2019, when the total premiums in this portfolio fell by 17%, to the level of 1.3 billion lek, or nearly 13 million dollars. The trend is also supported by lawyer Zhuljeta Veizaj, who specializes in insurance law.

According to Veizaj, practically, there remains a portfolio that is largely owed by the banking sector. She says that currently, the only citizens who can sleep peacefully during floods are those who, due to bank loans, have been forced to insure their properties against fire and natural disasters.

The entire property insurance segment remains at modest levels. According to official data, for the period January–October of this year, a total of 2.8 billion lek, or almost 28 million dollars, were paid in these portfolios.


Lorenc Rabeta /

Burimi: ScanTv.
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