4.5 C
E enjte, 13 Shkurt 2025

What changes will prices have in 2023? The Head of Scientific Research at the Bank of Albania explains: Signs of a downward trend have been observed since the end of this year, and the substantial drop will take place by the middle of 2023

Duhen Lexuar

In an exclusive interview for Scan television, the director of the Scientific Research Department of the Bank of Albania, Altin Tanku, analyzed the price expectations for the next year after a year in which inflation reached record numbers.

Tanku says that the downward trend in prices has been observed since the end of this year, although we have to wait until the middle of 2023 for a significant decrease.

The Head of Scientific Research at BSH says that Albania will continue to feel the weight of the crisis, especially from the countries with which it has the highest economic interaction, but it will still resist well without falling into recession.

Lorenc Rabeta/

Burimi: ScanTv.
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